The importance of Pap tests is sometimes misunderstood. "Do I need a Pap test?" is perhaps the most common question. Please watch the videos for answers to some questions you may have:
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Mrs. Lau is 60 years and quite active as she practices Tai Chi in the mornings. She lives with her daughter and new grand daughter. All seems quite well.
Part 1:
Mrs. Lau's daughter is quite right to be concerned and to ask her mother to see a doctor. However, for many Chinese women, use of traditional medicine is often the first approach.
Part 2:
Both traditional and modern medicine are important to maintain one's health. As requested by the herbalist, if traditional medicine is not working, Mrs. Lau must see a doctor.
Part 3:
Cervical cancer can affect women at any age. In particular, Chinese women have been found to have higher rates of cervical cancer. Preventive screening is important for early detection and treatment.
Part 4:
A Pap test is quick procedure and a consultation with a doctor can provide you with important information and answers. Again, it is important to maintain a schedule of regular Pap tests.
Part 5:
We hope these videos have answered some questions you may have concerning Pap tests. More information about cervical cancer and Pap tests are available below.