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Pap Testing - A New Step on the Path to Women’s HeaIth


Facts about cervical cancer

Cervical cancer can be prevented.

One of the best ways we, Chinese women, can take care of our health is to have Pap tests regularly.


One study showed that Chinese women in North America are twice as likely to get cervical cancer as their White counterparts.


A Pap smear is a simple test for cervical cancer. The doctor simply takes a sample of cells from the cervix and sends a slide to the laboratory.


Cervical cancer is a common cancer and is preventable. It is 99% curable if discovered very early. Pap tests are used to detect the disease and can save your life.


Cervical cancer can be asymptomatic. A woman can have cancer without knowing it. A Pap test can tell you if your cervix is normal or not. If it is not normal, the earlier cancer is found, the easier it is to cure.

Stories and Concerns

Mrs. Leung

Mrs. Leung:

“I am 56 years old and spend most of my time doing housework and taking care of children. I have been blessed with good health all my life. My husband, my children and grand children are also healthy. I cook “bou” (replenishing) soups, take anti-cancer herbs and do light exercise whenever possible. I observed the sitting month rituals and practice women’s health hygiene. I heard my friends and daughters talk about Pap testing but I don’t think women like me need one.”


Women can develop cervical cancer at any age. All women, healthy or not, rich or poor are at risk of developing cervical cancer. Getting a Pap test is a smart thing you can do to take care of your health. The test is like a pair of eyes that can see things that your own eyes can not see. It can tell you if you have a cervical problem or not. The Pap test gives you a jump-start on taking care of yourself before any problem becomes too big.


Cervical cancer is a preventable disease. Getting a Pap test regularly can detect cancer early and prevent cancer from becoming worse. A Pap test can help you stay healthy.



“My husband, an assistant cook for a Chinese restaurant, and I have three young children. We are very busy working to support our family. The last Pap test I had was over five years ago. I was overdue for another one but was too busy to make it to the doctor’s office. I am concerned about not getting Pap tests regularly but at least I had one before.”


Many clinics are open evenings and weekends to serve working women like you. It is important to get a Pap test regularly even when you feel healthy.


Cervical cancer takes a long time to develop. Women with early cervical cancer may feel completely normal. Therefore, it is very important to have regular Pap tests.


“My mom never gets a Pap test. She keeps saying that she does not need one because she is old, no longer has periods, and has stopped having a sex life since her husband died. She feels too embarrassed to let a doctor examine her ‘down there.’ Also, she is scared of hearing bad news about the Pap test result. I believe my mom should have a Pap test. In fact, I will go so that she can go with me.”


Many cervical cancers can occur in women who are post-menopausal and who are no longer sexually active.


Herbal medicines and traditional health promotion practices can go hand in hand with Pap testing. One does not keep you from using the other.

Mrs. Hu

Mrs. Hu:

“I had cervical cancer and feel fortunate to have my normal life back. If it was not for my friend, Mrs. Yip, who convinced me to have a Pap test, my cancer would not have been discovered and treated. I am now 64 years old and happy that I have lived to see my grand children and great grand children.

“After living through the ordeal, I want to tell all women the importance of getting a Pap test. It is one thing we can do to take care of our health. Even now, no matter how busy I am with housework and babysitting, I will never skip my Pap test appointment. The Pap test gives me peace of mind.”


Compared to other cancers, cervical cancer is relatively easy to detect and treat. Cervical cancer is 99% curable if it is detected very early.

Questions & Answers

My doctor does not suggest a Pap test. Do I still need to have one?

Yes. It is important to have Pap tests regularly. If your doctor does not suggest it, you can ask for one.

Where can I get a Pap test?

You can get a Pap test from family or general practitioners, gynecologists, medical clinics or local health departments.

I have a male doctor and feel embarrassed about getting a Pap test from him.

You can request a female doctor specifically for the Pap test. Your doctor can arrange that for you.

I heard my friends and neighbors talk about the Pap test but I don’t know much about it.

If you want to learn about Pap testing, you can talk to your doctor or nurse.

I am always busy taking care of my grand children and doing housework. I do not have time to see a doctor, let alone to have a Pap test done.

Taking good care of your health is the most important thing you can do for yourself. Prevention and early treatment of cervical cancer can help avoid potential pain and suffering for you and your family A Pap test is worth your time and investment. It could save you unnecessary worry.

Would I feel pain and discomfort if I had a Pap test?

You may feel pressure during Pap testing. However, Pap tests should not be painful and do not harm the cervix.


  • Health is very precious, and so is your family.
  • Take time to care for your health, your family.
  • Schedule a Pap test appointment with your doctor today.
  • Get Pap tests regularly.

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